
来源:http://www.cqyrce.cn  日期:2020-04-09

  All the nutrients needed for fetal development are obtained 广州代怀哪家靠谱 from the mother's body. Therefore, the demand for various nutrients by pregnant mothers will greatly increase, especially some trace elements such as calcium.Many mothers suffer from calcium deficiency during pregnancy, but calcium deficiency not only harms their health, but also causes abnormal bone development and late tooth emergence after the baby is born, so mothers must pay attention to it.Generally speaking, when the pregnant mother has calcium deficiency in her body, she will send out these four obvious signals, which should be paid attention to in time!


  Cramp in calf

  Leg cramp is also a typical symptom of calcium deficiency in pregnant mothers, which is more common in the second trimester of pregnancy.Because at this stage, which is the critical period of fetal bone development, he will absorb 广州代孕八胞胎 more calcium from his mother's body.If the mother has insufficient calcium in her body, it is easy to get calf cramps, which is also a reminder to her mother to supplement calcium.Suggest your mother to take some pregnant women's calcium tablets or goat milk powder with high calcium in time, which can help you quickly supplement calcium and relieve calf cramps.


   tooth mobility

  Teeth are part of bones. When the calcium content in the body is insufficient, the teeth will naturally be affected. The most common one is tooth loosening.Because calcium deficiency will lead to abnormal enamel of mother's teeth, thus loosening the hard structure of teeth, which will lead to loosening of mother's teeth.Therefore, the mother must pay attention to calcium supplement in time during pregnancy so as not to affect the chewing ability of teeth.In addition, after all, what you eat during pregnancy is highly nutritious food, so your mother must do a good job of cleaning her teeth to avoid causing tooth diseases.


  Joint pain

  Many mothers have joint pain during pregnancy, especially at the waist and back. This phenomenon is caused on the one hand by the increasing fetus compressing the lumbar spine of the mother, and on the other hand by calcium deficiency.Because when the calcium in the mother's body is insufficient, in order to ensure the normal value of calcium concentration in the blood, the calcium in the mother's bones will be released in large quantities, thus causing arthralgia.Therefore, when this kind of situation occurs, it is suggested that the mother must go to the hospital for examination. If it is determined that calcium deficiency is the cause, it is necessary to take the 广州代怀男孩 time to supplement calcium.


  elevation of blood pressure

  Pregnancy-induced hypertension is also a common phenomenon during pregnancy, and the occurrence of pregnancy-induced hypertension has certain influence on the 广州助孕产子,孕妈身上这4个信号,是典型的缺钙 calcium deficiency in the mother's body.Therefore, when pregnant mothers suffer from this disease, it is best to go to the hospital in time for a calcium concentration check to determine whether they are calcium deficient.

  During pregnancy, because the nutrition consumed by the mother needs to be absorbed by two people, the demand for nutrition will greatly increase, especially calcium, so the mother can supplement calcium in time during pregnancy.


标签: 广州个人捐卵



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